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Altar Guild

Without question, the oldest organization in the parish is the St. Agnes Altar Guild which started in 1884. Members of the guild clean all of the silver, dressings, linens, and vestments for each worship service, fill the candles with oil for each mass, and maintain the altar linens and priest’s vestments.

***We are always looking for volunteers.

Interested Please call Bill Laws: 909-622-2015


Society of Mary

Established in 1893 with an active membership worldwide, the Society of Mary aims to love and honor Mary by seeing her as a model for living the Christian way of life.

The Society is active at St. Paul’s parish in both prayer ministry and in community service to help with the educational needs of under-privileged children. The Society celebrates major feasts of the Blessed Virgin with Mass, Vespers, or Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Our ward helps establish new wards in other parishes, and members of the Society pray a month-long rosary for those who request it.


Pastoral Care

The Pastoral Care ministry at St. Paul’s helps transform us into people who care compassionately for one another in all stages of the life journey. There are many opportunities for Pastoral Care at St. Paul’s including spiritual counseling, weekly healing mass, lay eucharistic visits to the sick and shut-ins, pastoral visits to those in the hospital or are ill at home, and trainings in intercessory prayer.

Please Email:


Daughters of the King

The Daughters of the King is an order for women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church. Its purpose is to bring others into a living, loving relationship with Jesus, our Lord and Savior, and to help strengthen the spiritual life of the community.

Members are involved in all aspects of the work of the parish. Special service projects of our Chapter are that of Eucharistic Visitors, providing a sacramental ministry for parish members who are unable to attend church and responding to prayer card requests from Parishioners requesting daily prayer for themselves or others. The Daughters are also St. Paul's bereavement team, communicating with family members of parishioners who have recently died, helping with a reception after the service if requested, and being a constant support team.

We meet every 1st Sunday after mass at 11:15am.

Any special prayers send to

Learn more about DOK:

Pot of Gold at the end of the rainbow

Building and Grounds

The Buildings and Grounds ministry strives to be stewards of the physical space of St. Paul’s, inside and out. We meet on the third Saturday of the month for breakfast and fellowship and then continue on to St. Paul’s for a planned workday. 

Currently looking for Willing Volunteers, Please call the church (909) 622-2015 or email

Community Engagement

Dress A Girl Sewing Circle

Dress a Girl Around the World delivers dresses and hope to girls in need and who are at risk around the world. The goal is to restore a sense of worth to vulnerable girls suffering from extreme poverty. Being given a beautiful new dress and being told it was made just for her by someone who loves her and prays for her can give her a new feeling of self-worth and dignity.

No sewing experience necessary! Bring your scissors and extra fabric if you have it!!

We meet the 2nd Saturday of each month.

(909) 622-2015

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St Paul’s Pride Ministries

Pride Ministries acknowledges LGBTQ+ parish members who’ve long called St. Paul’s their adopted home and family. LGBTQ+ members are active in the community as mentors and activist; as queer scholars, theologians, and artists; while still others serve in leadership positions in organizations such as Pomona Pride Center, and Foothill AIDS Project.

We meet at different locations every 2nd Friday of the month to be in community, share our stories, heal past emotional injuries created by different culprits including discriminatory churches, to have fun, be OPEN, be FREE, be TRUTHFUL and just BE the way God made us.

Call to find out our next meeting spot:

Sandra Martinez-Moore 714-328-2212


Bill Laws 909-622-2015 email: